Digital circuit sound and light control stair delay switch circuit (4)
Source: InternetPublisher:三岁就很酷 Keywords: Switch circuit digital circuit light control Updated: 2021/07/16
The sound and light control stair delay switch composed of CDI011 integrated circuit
is relatively simple in circuit and has good performance.
Scarf, AND and not f JI and AND and not f JlI form an "AND" r J circuit to identify the input dynamics. Only when the two input
terminals, namely pins ① and ②, are both high level , the output terminal ④ pin is high level, VDI is turned on, and C: is charged. And
through the two stages of gate III and gate IV, the inverting output is high}U level, and then through R, the thyristor VT2 is triggered to turn on, and the lamp E is energized and
emits light. As long as one of the two input pins ① and ② is low level, the circuit cannot meet the above conditions and the light coin
will be lit. ① The foot is affected by R. With RL partial voltage value control, only at night, the photoresistor Rl. For high resistance,
only pin ① can meet the high level condition. The ② pin is controlled by the microphone amplifier VT1 input Hj. Normally, H has no audio signal
output, VT1 is in the amplification state, and the ② pin f level is low (adjust R: make the collector power level lower than the gate circuit flipping
value level). level, that is, 1,,2V...), when someone walks along the stairway, their footsteps signal is picked up by B and
amplified by VT1, which will increase the level of the ② pin of the VT1 power collector. Therefore, when the ① and ② pins are high level at the same time, the electric lamp E will light up. When the person walks away, the audio signal disappears, and the charge stored in C can pass through the ruler; when
the ⑧ and ⑨ pins
are discharged, it can still maintain the high level. The circuit can make the LU lamp go out with delay. The delay time of this circuit is determined by the value of brother and c2
. The data shown in the figure is about imin.
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