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Positive and negative asymmetric waveform bipolar peak output circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:拳制龙 Keywords: output circuit switch Updated: 2021/11/25

9. Positive and negative asymmetric waveform bipolar peak<strong>Output circuit</strong>.gif

OP amplifier ^, 1 and 1 are positive and negative peak detection circuits respectively. The two tubes
Dl and Dz are connected in the feedback loop. The influence of the forward voltage drop VF and temperature system on the loop
can be ignored. The odd input f- After the signal undergoes peak detection, it becomes -v, and
+vP respectively, and then is blinded by differential amplification. ,'' By subtracting it, we can
get the peak voltage +vP-P= +v-(-VP)o. This circuit can have
two working modes. One is by resistor Select Ti=: port 1. 4,
the discharge time gate of Tz = Cz-Ra; to obtain the long-period signal amplitude, the second is to use "reset
", switch sl, sguard (can switch R4, R2), when the reset starts, each switch
Open, measure the peak value of the signal, rinse the final junction, turn on the switch , release the retained charge
, and wait for the next signal input. If you want the output to have a gain t, you can connect
the resistor R port with a ★ sign, and the jC gain is A = 1+(20klRo).




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