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50W pure class A ground push-pull amplifier 02

Source: InternetPublisher:奥特man123 Keywords: push-pull amplifier field effect tube transistor Updated: 2020/08/13

2.50W pure Class A to ground<strong>push-pull amplifier</strong>02.gif

The current amplification stage of this power amplifier is used by Sanken's famous tube
A1216/C2922, instead of the currently popular
field effect tube . The reason is that although the sound of the field effect tube is very good when the signal is small, the sound will become rough
under large dynamics or high volume , unless more than five or six pairs of power tubes are used for parallel output, so that each pair of tubes can bear less power. Output, you can get better output linearity, but the cost is higher, and too many power tubes are output in parallel, and heat dissipation is also a problem. 6 The Sanken A12:16/C2922 power tube has high fT and small on -resistance , the linear characteristics of both large and small signals are better. 6 Since the transistor has a positive temperature characteristic, which exactly offsets the negative temperature characteristic of the push-stage field effect transistor, the amplifier works more stably. 6 The ingenious cooperation of the transistor and the field effect tube makes this function The amplifier not only has the advantages of the mellow tone of the field effect tube , but also has the strength and strength of the transistor . It is really the best combination! In order to ensure the safety of the system , this machine uses special integrated circuit VPC12 3 7 and designed relatively complete and reliable protection functions 6




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