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Small improvements to the rechargeable flashlight

Source: InternetPublisher:三月小雨 Keywords: Flashlight leakage protector hot melt Updated: 2020/09/02

Commercially available rechargeable flashlights generally use the circuit shown in Figure 1 and are directly connected to the mains when charging. Since the circuits are sealed within the plastic shell of the flashlight, there is generally no risk of electric shock. But there are exceptions. Once, I accidentally unscrewed the condenser cover at the front of the charging flashlight and touched the small electric beads inside. Fortunately, a leakage protector was installed at home and the power supply was cut off in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.
The author made a small improvement to the flashlight according to Figure 2 and separated the power supply from the battery charging and lighting circuits to improve safety. The method is as follows: remove the original power switch and use a small high-quality double-pole double-throw switch. Connect the switch wires according to the diagram, and then insulate the pins on the switch with hot melt glue.

Charging<strong>Flashlight</strong>Small improvements




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