Home > Audio/Video Circuits > Internal circuit principle of M50194

Internal circuit principle of M50194

Source: InternetPublisher:已注销 Keywords: Circuit Principle BSP Updated: 2020/05/28

30.M50194’s internal<strong>circuit principle</strong>.gif

The A/D and D/A modulation and demodulation of M501.94AP also adopt adaptive incremental modulation technology. Different from the single delay circuit
, it has 5 D/A demodulators and can output 5 signals with different delay times , so it is called "multi-tap". It
has a built-in 20k static memory (SRAM), a maximum sampling frequency of 500kHz, a distortion of 0.30%, an output noise of
-90dB, and a frequency response of 10kH. Figure 5. ∞ is its internal circuit principle .
    M50194 has two suffix models: M50194P and M50194AP. The former has a shorter delay time in echo mode than
the latter. This needs to be paid attention to when using. oM50194AP can work in three modes: reverb, echo and surround. The
working mode It can be controlled by the level of pins 10 and 1 1 , see Table 5-16 0. In surround sound and echo mode, there are 6 delay times
  to choose from; in reverberation mode, there are two combination methods, each outputting 5 delays. Different time signals . When the delay time is
  different, the sampling frequency is also different. The delay time is controlled by the level of pins 12 to 14, and the corresponding delay time is
  shown in Table 5-17. The delay time and function can also be controlled by a microcomputer. In this case, pin 8 needs to be set to high level .




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