A simple active speaker protection circuit to share
Source: InternetPublisher:走马观花 Keywords: speaker powered speaker Updated: 2024/01/03
This is a simple active speaker protection circuit that has a very important purpose, especially protecting speakers in audio systems. It prevents the speakers from making noise when we turn on the power amplifier. This circuit drives the speaker after 3 to 10 seconds to allow the same source to stabilize and stop producing cracks and noise that can damage the speaker and amplifier output transistors. This circuit is powered by a 12V regulated power supply. If you have a high powered audio system you could try building this circuit and installing the circuit in an amplifier box.
Bottom PCB Layout Design | Active Speaker Protector
Top PCB Design | Active Speaker Protector
Speaker protection circuit connections
Active Speaker Protector Parts List
5 Pin 12 Volt Relay – 2
Transistor 2SC945–2
Transistor 2SC9013–1
Diode 1N4007–5
Elko 220uF/50V–2
Resistor 10KOhms–4
Resistor 39KOhms–1
Large 3-pin connector – 2
Small 3-pin connector – 1
220KOhms or 500KOhms Trimpot–1
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