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Share an insect repellent circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:风向西瓜 Keywords: circuit diagram pll oscillator circuit Updated: 2024/12/17

This insect repellent circuit will effectively repel insects such as mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches from your home or yard. The circuit uses specific frequencies to interfere with the insects, so the insects stay away from the circuit.

Insect repellent circuit

This insect repellent circuit can be placed inside the home or outside (for speakers). If you want to place the entire circuit outside the house, make sure the circuit is in a safe place, especially when it rains.

This circuit consists of a PLL (Phase Looked Loop) oscillator circuit using a CMOS 4047 with a frequency of 22 KHz. The current consumption is about 120mA. Therefore, it is recommended to use an external power supply for better results.




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