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Power meter wiring circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:睡不醒的小壮 Keywords: wiring Updated: 2021/11/29

9.<strong>Wiring</strong><strong>Circuit</strong> of the power meter.gif

The power meter should have at least four terminals: two current terminals and two voltage terminals. One current terminal and one voltage terminal are marked with
a "*" or "+" sign. They are called current coil and voltage terminals. The "same polarity end" of the coil. According to national standards. : The symbol of the power meter is
a horizontal thick solid line (representing the current coil) and a vertical thin line (representing the voltage coil) within a circle.
    Wiring rules: The current coil end is connected in series with the load under test, and the voltage coil end is connected in parallel with the load under test; the "*" end of the current terminal button and the
"*" end of the voltage terminal button must be connected to the same polarity of the voltage; if " When the x" terminal is both the inflow terminal of the current and voltage coil currents (in the case of AC
, the phase difference is less than or equal to 90") or the outflow terminal, the pointer of the power meter deflects forward, and vice versa. Therefore, " *"The cross is called
the "generator end". The choice of wiring method.' Among the four wiring
methods     shown in Figure 5-9 , a and c are "voltage branch front connection", while b and d are "voltage branch front connection" The difference between them is that the method error is different. In general, the power consumption of the current coil is smaller than that of the voltage coil branch, so the voltage branch is generally connected before the branch .




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