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msp430f149+peripheral tlv61612-bit DA conversion module
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The following is made by replacing the 12-bit DC chip 5616. It took 2 hours to adjust it. It's unbearable. The code is as follows (or explain it first: P2.0 port - DIN P2.1 port - SCLK P2.2 port - CS/ P2.3 port - FS) It is more reliable to write the clock by yourself. The key external interrupt is used to change the digital value written into 5616. The key +-50 #include
#define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define DA5616_clk_H P2OUT|=BIT1//P2.1 #define DA5616_clk_L P2OUT&=~BIT1//P2.1 #define DA5616_cs_H P2OUT|=BIT2//P2.2 #define DA5616_cs_L P2OUT& =~BIT2//P2.2 #define DA5616_fs_H P2OUT|=BIT3//P2.3 #define DA5616_fs_L P2OUT&=~BIT3//P2.3 uint data; void int_clock() { uchar i; BCSCTL1&=~XT2OFF; // External high-speed clock crystal oscillator BCSCTL2|=SELM1 + SELS; //MCLK,SMLCK both use external high-speed clockdo { IFG1&=~OFIFG; for(i=0;i<100;i++) _NOP(); }while((IFG1&OFIFG)); IFG1 &=~OFIFG; } void io_init () { P2DIR=BIT3+BIT1+BIT2+BIT0; //P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 set output} /**** DA conversion****/ void DA5616(uint da) { uchar i; DA5616_cs_L; DA5616_fs_L; DA5616_clk_L; for(i=0;i<16;i++) { P2OUT |=(da&0x8000)>>15; DA5616_clk_H; da<<=1; //da binary data shift left one bit * 2 DA5616_clk_L; } P2OUT&=0xfe; DA5616_fs_H; DA5616_cs_H; } void DA5616_out(float data1) { uint temp; temp = data1*2048/2.5; DA5616(temp); } void main( ) { // Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset // Close all IO ports P1DIR = 0XFF; P1OUT = 0XFF; P2DIR = 0XFF; P2OUT = 0XFF; P3DIR = 0XFF; P3OUT = 0XFF; P4DIR = 0XFF; P4OUT = 0XFF ; P5DIR = 0XFF; P5OUT = 0XFF; P6DIR = 0XFF; P6OUT = 0XFF; P1IES = 0x30; // Select falling edge interrupt for P1.0~P1.3 P1IE = 0x30; // Enable interrupt P1DIR = BIT1; // Set P1.0~P.3 to input state and P.7 to output P1OUT = 0; WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; //dog timer data = 1400; int_clock(); io_init(); DA5616(data); _EINT(); while(1) { } } /********* ********************************** Function name: Port1_ISR Function: interrupt service function of port P1 Parameter: no return Value: None********************************************/ #pragma vector = PORT1_VECTOR __interrupt void Port1_ISR (void) { _DINT (); if (P1IFG & BIT4) { P1IFG = 0x00; // clear interrupt flag data -= 20; //DAC output reduces 100 offsets int_clock(); io_init(); DA5616(data); } else if(P1IFG & BIT5) { P1IFG = 0x00; //clear interrupt flag data += 20 ; //DAC output increases by 100 offset int_clock(); io_init(); DA5616(data); } else _NOP(); P1IFG = 0x00; //clear interrupt flag _EINT(); }ok ~