Overview of Integrated Circuit Development Electronic technology has gone through four stages of development: ① The advent of the electron tube in 1906 and the invention of the transistor in 1948 opened the design stage of electronic circuits; ② The birth of the integrated circuit (IC) in 1958 entered the logic design stage of the new generation of circuits; ③ The introduction of very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI) after 1975 led electronic technology to the system design of ICs and related software design stages; ④ A new stage facing the 21st century based on microelectronics and with computers and communications as media. Since the advent of integrated circuits 40 years ago, its development speed has been amazing. At present, the world can produce more than 200 billion pieces and more than 40,000 types of integrated circuits each year. In 1996, the world's semiconductor (mainly IC) sales were 132 billion US dollars. Today, from electronic measuring instruments, computer systems to communication equipment, from the forefront of national defense to industrial and civilian fields, they are all closely related to ICs. It is reported that 65% of the added value of the world's GDP is related to ICs, and the value ratio of ICs in electronic equipment has grown from 7% in the 1980s to 20% now, and in some military equipment it has exceeded 70%. IC is known as the "food" and "sunrise" product of industry. It has become an important symbol of comprehensive national strength and the core of the development of electronic information technology. China successfully developed IC in 1965, but due to various factors, the gap between China's IC industry and the world's advanced level has widened. Since the reform and opening up, China's IC has also made great progress. The country has also formulated the strategic policy of "focusing on the development of integrated circuits, new components, computers and communication equipment" and "developing a new generation of digital consumer products". In 1995, China's IC production increased from 110 million pieces in 1990 to 470 million pieces, and reached 600 million pieces in 1996. After China approved the construction of VLSI projects in 1995, it started the ULSI (very large-scale integrated circuit) project with a total investment of several billion yuan and a process of 0.5-03μm in 1996. In addition, it is also actively developing special ICs for the "Three Golds (Golden Bridge, Golden Card, Golden Gate)" project and communication projects. Special Topic : Integrated Circuits and New Trends in Their Development - New Trends in the Development of Integrated Circuits (Excerpt from New Practical Digital Measurement Technology, Sha Zhanyou, National Defense Industry Press, 1998) New Trends in Integrated Circuit Development 目前,集成电路正进入一个蓬勃发展的新时期。主要表现为新技术不断涌现,新工艺被普遍采用,新产品层出不穷。人们对集成电路的认识也不断深化,从设计思想到使用观念都在更新。 (一)CMOS电路的迅速崛起 CMOS电路是集成电路大家族的后起之秀。国外于1963年研制成功,1968年才实现商品化。但它一经问世便显示出强大的生命力,以其独具的优点迅速占领国际电子市场。目前,CMOS电路已成为LSI(大规模集成电路)、VLSI、ULSI的主流产品。例如,我国1996年研制的LC47811型32位微处理器、美国英特尔公司的80486(集成度为100万个元器件)、集成度达200万个门的ASIC电路等,均采用CMOS工艺。正如日本《半导体世界杂志》在80年代初曾预言的:"CMOS在半导体界起着火车头的作用,给半导体界带来了新的光明。" 近年来,CMOS电路的产量及销量额大幅度上升,而TTL电路却以抛物线规律迅速下降。CMOS电路中的标准系列(4000系列和14500系列)以及高速系列(74HC系列),以其输入阻抗高、抗干扰性强和低功耗等优点,正在许多领域取代传统的74-TTL和LS-TTL、S-TTL电路。 (二)单片集成电路和单片系统的广泛应用 集成电路强大的生命力在于应用。目前集成电路正向单片集成化和单片系统化的方向发展。 1.单片集成电路 (1)集成传感器 (2)智能仪器仪表专用IC (3)通信用IC (4)工业控制和机电一体化专用IC (5)家电专用IC 2.单片系统 单片系统(System On Chip)是面向21世纪的一项高新科技,它要在10mm2数量级的芯片上集成一个系统或子系统,其集成度将高达108~109元件/片,这将给IC产业及IC应用带来化时代的进步。 (三)电子模块的开发 众所周知,采用集成工艺是无法将大容量的电容器和电感器、整流桥、电位器、10A以上大功率器件集成到芯片内部。因此,研制一台整机不仅要选用许多芯片,还必须设计各IC之间以及IC与外围电路之间的引线,最后要设计印刷电路,这就给用户带来诸多不便。若选用电子模块,上述许多问题即可迎刃而解。 电子模块(Electronic Block)亦称微电子功能组件,简称模块。它是采用微电子技术,把集成电路与微型电子元器件(如片状电阻、超小型电解电容器)组装成一体,用来完成某一特殊功能的商品化部件。其结构特点是将全部元器件密集安装在印刷电路版上,因此有人称之为"二次集成"。模块的外形大致分两种:一种是全密封式,不可拆卸;令一种为敞开式,用户需自己配外壳。 电子模块这一产品形式最初是由美国英特西尔(Intersil)公司于70年代推出。日本、荷兰、瑞士等国以及香港地区亦从80年代开始生产。国内则是80年代中期才形成生产能力,并建立了专业生产厂家。目前模块正向智能化方向发展。例如,采用微型计算机技术的可编程控制器(PC)模块,它代表着工业控制技术的发展方向,也是实现机电一体化的重要手段。随着表面安装器件(SMD)与表面安装技术(SMT)的发展,电子模块的体积还将进一步减小,而性能指标则显著提高。 (四)ASIC的推广 ASIC是"特制集成电路"(Application Special Integrated Circuit)的英文缩写。它是一种高科技产品,从实际思想、研制手段,直到测试方法,都与传统IC有着质的区别。过去集成电路的供需关系一直维持?quot;厂家→用户"的格局上,即芯片厂家向用户提供标准产品,用户则不能提出自己的特殊要求。现在上述局面发生重大变化,出现了全定制和半定制产品。即芯片厂家接受用户的委托,为满足用户特殊需要而专门研制的IC产品。它充分体现了"用户→厂家→用户"的新型关系。此外,为研制ASIC所采用的技术、手段均有重大突破。ASIC产品是将超大规模集成电路(VLSI)的工艺技术、计算机辅助设计(CAD)、自动测试技术(ATE)三者结合的丰硕成果。目前国内外一些芯片厂家已建立起超大规模集成电路计算机辅助设计(简称VLSI-CAD)中心,作为开发新产品的重要手段。现在智能化的VLSI-CAD系统已能将有源器件缩小到亚微米,从而设计出包括上百万只晶体管的超大规模集成电路。利用这种系统不仅能完成芯片的逻辑电路设计、逻辑模拟、版图设计(包括布局、布线),还能对成品进行自动测试。1996年初,清华大学就利用VLSI-CAD完成了"1μm VLSI专用IC工艺技术研究"课题,并向国内进行了技术转让。 SIC主要包括门阵列(GAL)、可编程门阵列、标准单元、宏单元。可编程逻辑器件。我国现已能生产门阵列等多种产品,用一片门阵列可代替上百片CD4000系列或74LS系列产品。此外,我国还研制成炮弹弹道跟踪系统专用IC(全定制)等ASIC产品。