In the previous experiment, we made a light flash off, on, off, on. Then, if we turn on the second light instead of the first light after the first light goes out, and then turn on the third light after the second light goes out, and so on, wouldn't it become a running light? Let's take a look at how this running light is made. Our "Programming Experiment Integrated Board" has been connected to 8 LEDs, so you can do this experiment without any modification. The wiring diagram is the same as the previous experiment, so refer to the picture of the previous experiment. The procedures and meanings of the running lights are as follows: star : ;Program starts clr p1.0 ;clear p1.0, make it = 0, LED1 lights up acall delay ;call delay subroutine setb p1.0 ;set p1.0 high, make it = 1, LED1 turns off clr p1.1 ;light up LED2 acall delay setb p1.1 ;turn off LED2 clr p1.2 ;light up LED3 acall delay setb p1.2 ;turn off LED3 clr p1.3 ;light up LED4 acall delay setb p1.3 ;turn off LED4 clr p1.4 ;light up LED5 acall delay setb p1.4 ;turn off LED5 clr p1.5 ;light up LED6 acall delay setb p1.5 ;turn off LED6 clr p1.6 ;light up LED7 acall delay setb p1.6 ;turn off LED7 clr p1.7 ;light up LED8 acall delay setb p1.7 ;Turn off LED8 ljmp star ;Return to the beginning of the loop delay : ;Delay subroutine mov r1,#50 del0: mov r2,#100 del1: mov r3,#100 djnz r3,$ djnz r2,del1 djnz r1,del0 ret ;Delay subroutine ends, return to the next sentence of the call end Please save the above program as Test.asm, compile it, and burn it into stc89c51, then you can see the "flow"!