Although the market momentum is strong, for Taiwanese manufacturers, most of the chips for key components still rely on foreign manufacturers, which makes it impossible to effectively reduce costs and has limited gross profits. Chuangjie Technology, a domestic manufacturer focusing on wireless communication technology, is optimistic about this demand and niche. It has successfully developed wireless Bluetooth chips on its own, breaking through the bottleneck of Bluetooth chip self-production capabilities in Taiwan's Bluetooth industry chain and providing system manufacturers with a more cost-effective option. How did Chuangjie Technology do it? What do you think of the application and development of Bluetooth technology?
1999年创立于硅谷ALinks Communications,在该年底即完成第一版Bluetooth Base Band FPGA Demo System开发技术,2000年和新竹的创杰科技合併并进行跨国技术研究。其自行研发的蓝芽基频技术(ISSC BT001 Bluetooth Base Band Link Controller Manager Protocol)在2001年12月荣获全台湾首家蓝芽无线通讯IP之Bluetooth“BQB”认证。而后2003年获得国家计画补助研究的抗干扰技术,并获选为蓝芽标准之一。
Looking back to the year 2000, the market was optimistic about the development of 802.11x wireless LAN chips, but not very optimistic about Bluetooth. It was not until major mobile phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia installed Bluetooth devices in their high-end mobile phones, and more than a thousand manufacturers invested in related product research and development, that the shipment of Bluetooth system products increased by 130% in 2003, and the Bluetooth market gradually showed signs of recovery.
Mobile applications continue to promote the growth of Bluetooth. With the improvement of transmission data volume, interference problems and interoperability in versions 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0, Bluetooth technology has gradually overcome its slump and become an interface for intercommunication with headsets, phones and PCs. Chuangjie's Bluetooth dream began with hard work and self-expectation to become the most cost-effective chip solution provider.
"Although chip manufacturers' investment and competition have caused chip prices to continue to decline, and Bluetooth wireless communication functions have begun to be transferred to more information and communication products with lower unit prices, most chips and IPs still rely on foreign manufacturers. For domestic system manufacturers, there is still limited room for cost reduction." Chen Yiping said.
The rapid development of technologies such as Bluetooth + UWB Wi-Fi has made the wireless industry more complex and has also made market forecasts inaccurate. The Bluetooth 2.0 standard, which was approved by the Bluetooth SIG at the end of 2004, has a new EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) function that can increase the maximum transmission rate to 3Mbps per second, expanding the application of Bluetooth: for example, supporting the signal transmission requirements of 5.1 surround sound systems, and being used in laser printers, etc., giving Bluetooth a broader stage in the field of home entertainment.
However, Chen Yiping pointed out that the integration of Bluetooth and UWB, in addition to the new architecture not being fully defined, still has some difficulties to be resolved. For UWB, since only the United States has approved the frequency band resources in the world, governments in Europe, Asia and other large markets do not have clear attitudes and policies, and Bluetooth itself is bound to encounter interoperability issues with legacy products.
陈逸萍表示,蓝芽整合UWB新标准将使得蓝芽技术门槛升高,而创杰十分熟悉OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)高效率的多通道调变解调变技术,一旦新标准确认后,创杰科技可以加上UWB模组,在最短的时间内推出对应解决方案。但目前仍将重心放在蓝芽2.0标准产品的发展,分别从手机导向与PC导向两方面着手开发更多的应用:如蓝芽Dongle、蓝芽耳机、蓝芽与无线网路的双模功能以及蓝芽手机等。其EDR产品则预计明年有好的展穫。
突破四个瓶颈? 走向下一个SoC or System DIY 观察目前无线技术市场的发展空间以及竞争日益剧烈的未来,无线网路IC厂商的淘汰赛与购併风潮仍将持续,有些厂商亦可能逐渐淡出市场,而台湾IC设计厂商在这一场战争中,将愈来愈有机会以扮演低成本解决方案的提供者来佔有一席之地。而蓝芽晶片近年来令人瞩目的突出的表现,甚至让研究单位预测其有机会在2008年与802.11并驾齐驱,那么台湾厂商该如何掌握这个庞大的商机?
Chen Yi-ping said that since Taiwan is relatively weak in algorithm and architecture technology, it is mostly unable to participate in the formulation of standards. Therefore, if it can actively participate in exchanges with international manufacturers, attach importance to the cultivation of talents, and add policies to support industry promotion plans, it will greatly increase opportunities. Manufacturers must also break through four bottlenecks when developing Bluetooth products: reduce power consumption, strengthen embedded software development capabilities, reduce interface differentiation, and the price of chips must be further reduced to stimulate greater market potential. Of course, if Bluetooth can move from "System on a Chip" to "Software on a Chip" in the future, the development space will be broader, and the DIY era of Bluetooth in various systems will come.