[Zhengdian Atomic Alpha IMX6ULL Linux Development Board] Chapter 12 TCP Programming Test (Linux C Programming)
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1. Basic Concepts of SOCKET
The following comes from "Linux Advanced Programming"
Socket is a mechanism for realizing inter-process communication on a network host. From the user space point of view, a socket is a file descriptor. The operation on a socket is equivalent to the operation on a normal file descriptor, that is, it can be operated using functions such as read, write, and close. Once the necessary initialization of the socket is completed, data interaction with the other end is realized through the socket.
For example
- To send data to the other party, just write the data to the socket
- To receive data, just read the data on the socket in a blocking manner.
TCP implementation flow chart:
2. Socket function
After a rough look, it is actually similar to Python's TCP. Python provides a module
C provides library functions
#include <sys/socket.h> header file
The library functions included in the header file are:
Function prototype
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
Function passed value
AF_INET: IPv4 protocol
AF_INET6: IPv6 protocol
AF_LOCAL: Unix domain protocol
AF_ROUTE: Routing socket
AF_KEY: Key socket
SOCKET_STREAM: bidirectional reliable data stream, corresponding to TCP
SOCKET_DGRAM: bidirectional unreliable datagram, corresponding to UDP
SOCKET_RAW: Provides protocols below the transport layer and can access internal network interfaces, such as receiving and sending ICMP messages
When type is SOCKET_RAW, you need to set this value to indicate the protocol type. For other types, just set it to 0
Function return value
Success: socket file descriptor
Failure: -1, the reason for failure is stored in error
bind (associate a local protocol address with a socket file descriptor)
Function Description
Associates a protocol address with a socket file descriptor
Function prototype
int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen)
Function passed value
Socket file descriptor
my_addr points to the sockaddr structure, which contains information such as IP address and port
The size of the sockaddr structure can be set to sizeof(struct sockaddr)
Function return value
Success: 0
Failure: -1, the reason for failure is stored in error
listen (wait for connection)
Function Description
Waiting for connection
Function prototype
int listen(int sockfd, int backlog)
Function passed value
Listening socket file descriptor
The maximum number of connections that the socket queues
Function return value
Success: 0
Failure: -1, the reason for failure is stored in error
Special Notes
For the listening socket file descriptor sockfd, the kernel maintains two queues, one for unfinished connections and the other for completed connections. The sum of these two queues does not exceed the backlog.
connect (establish a socket connection)
Establishing a socket connection
int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, socklen_t addrlen)
Incoming Value
Socket file descriptor
The network address and port to connect to
The size of the sockaddr structure can be set to sizeof(struct sockaddr)
Function return value
Success: 0
Failure: -1, the reason for failure is stored in error
int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
Passing in parameters
sockfd: socket file descriptor
addrlen: the size of addr, which can be set to sizeof(struct sockaddr)
Outgoing parameters
addr: fill in the address data of the remote host
Function return value
Success: The actual number of bytes read
Failure: -1, the error code is stored in error
Function prototype
int close(int sockfd)
Incoming Value
sockfd: socket file descriptor
Return Value
Success: 0
Failure: -1, the reason for failure is stored in error
3. Programming
Socket address data type
Server Program
Client Program
4. Test:
Server.c and client.c
If any of them need to be run on a development board, cross-compilation is required.
Compile command: arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc server.c -o server
The development board runs ./server
Ububtu system operation: ./client
Forgot to take a screenshot, it's very simple anyway