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Electronics Abbreviations Version 1.0 [Copy link]

AC (alternating current) Alternating current
A/D (analog to digital) Analog/digital converter
ADC (analog to digital converter)
ADM (adaptive delta modulation)
ADPCM (adaptive differential pulse code modulation)
ALU (arithmetic logic unit) Arithmetic logic unit
ASCII (American standard code for information interchange)
AV (audio visual) Audio visual, audio visual
BCD (binary coded decimal)
BCR (bi-directional controlled rectifier) Bidirectional thyristor
BCR (buffer courtier reset) Buffer counter
BZ (buzzer) Buzzer, buzzer
C (capacitance, capacitor) Capacitance, capacitor
CATV (cable television) Cable television
CCD (charge-coupled device) Charge coupled device
CCTV (closed-circuit television) Closed-circuit television
CMOS (complementary) Complementary MOS
CPU (central processing unit)Central Processing
UnitCS(control signal) Control signalD
DiodeDAST(direct analog store technology) Direct analog storage technologyDC
(direct current) Direct
currentDIP(dual in-line package) Dual in-line packageDP
(dial pulse) Dial
pulseDRAM(dynamic random access memory) Dynamic random access memoryDTL
(diode-transistor logic) Diode-transistor logicDUT
(device under test) Device under
testDVM(digital voltmeter) Digital voltmeterECG
(electrocardiograph) ElectrocardiogramECL
(emitter coupled logic) Emitter coupled
logicEDI(electronic data interchange) Electronic data interchangeEIA
(Electronic Industries Association)
EOC(end of conversion) End of
conversionEPROM(erasable programmable read only memory) Erasable programmable read only
memoryEEPROM(electrically EPROM) Electrically erasable programmable read only
memoryESD(electro-static discharge) Electrostatic dischargeFET
(field-effect transistor) Field Effect Transistor
FS (full scale) Full Scale
F/V (frequency to voltage converter) Frequency/voltage conversion
FM (frequency modulation) Frequency Modulation
FSK (frequency shift keying) Frequency Shift Keying
FSM (field strength meter) Field Strength Meter
FST (fast switching shyster) Fast Thyristor
FT (fixed time) Fixed Time
FU (fuse unit)
FWD (forward)
GAL (generic array logic) Generic Array Logic
GND (ground) Ground
GTO (Sate turn off thruster) Gate Turn Off Transistor
HART (highway addressable remote transducer) Addressable Remote Sensor Data Highway
HCMOS (high density COMS) High Density Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
HF (high frequency) High Frequency
HTL (high threshold logic) High Threshold Logic Circuit
HTS (heat temperature sensor) Heat Temperature Sensor
IC (integrated circuit) Integrated Circuit
ID (international data) International Data
IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) IGFET (insulated gate field
effect transistor)
I/O (input/output)
I/V (current to voltage converter)
IPM (incidental phase modulation)
IPM (intelligent power module)
IR (infrared radiation) infrared radiation
IRQ (interrupt request) interrupt request
JFET (junction field effect transistor) junction field effect transistor
LAS (light activated switch) light sensitive switch
LASCS (light activated silicon controlled switch) light controlled thyristor switch
LCD (liquid crystal display) liquid crystal display
LDR (light dependent resistor) light dependent resistor
LED (light emitting diode) light emitting diode
LRC (longitudinal redundancy check) longitudinal redundancy check
LSB (least significant bit) least significant bit
LSI (1arge scale integration) large scale integrated circuit
M (motor) motor
MCT (MOS controlled gyrator) field controlled thyristor
MIC (microphone) microphone, microphone, microphone, microphone
min (minute) minute
MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) metal oxide semiconductor
MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor FET) metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
N (negative) negative
NMOS (N-channel metal oxide semiconductor FET) N-channel MOSFET
NTC (negative temperature coefficient) negative temperature coefficient
OC (over current) OCB
(overload circuit breaker)
OCS (optical communication system)
OR (type of logic circuit)
OV (over voltage)
P (pressure)
FAM (pulse amplitude modulation)
PC (pulse code) PCM (pulse code modulation) PDM (pulse duration modulation)
PF (power factor) PFM (pulse frequency modulation) PG (pulse generator) PGM (programmable) PI (proportional-integral (controller)) PID (proportional-integral-differential (controller)) PIN (positive intrinsic-negative) PIO (parallel input output) PLD (phase-locked detector) PLD (phase-locked discriminator) PLL (Phase-locked loop) PMOS (P-channel metal oxide semiconductor FET) P-channel MOSFET PP (peak-to-peak) PPM (Pulse Phase Modulation) PRD (Piezoelectric Radiation Detector) PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometer) PRT (Pulse Recurrent Time) PUT (Programmable Unijunction Transistor) PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) R (Resistance, Resistor) RAM (Random Access Memory) RCT (Reverse Conducting Thyristor) REF (Reference) REV (Reverse) R/F (Radio Frequency) RGB (Red/Green/Blue) ROM (Read Only Memory) Read-only memory RP (resistance potentiometer) Potentiometer RST (reset) Reset signal RT (resistor with inherent variability dependent) Thermistor RTD (resistance temperature detector) Resistance temperature sensor

RTL(resistor transistor logic) Resistor transistor logic (circuit)
RV(resistor with inherent variability dependent on the voltage) Varistor
SA(switching assembly) Switching assembly
SBS(silicon bi-directional switch) Silicon bidirectional switch, bidirectional silicon switch
SCR(silicon controlled rectifier) Thyristor rectifier
SCS(safety control switch) Safety control switch
SCS(silicon controlled switch) Thyristor switch
SCS(speed control system) Speed control system
SCS(supply control system) Power control system
SG(spark gap) Discharger
SIT(static induction transformer) Static induction transistor
SITH(static induction thyristor) Static induction thyristor
SP(shift pulse) Shift pulse
SPI(serial peripheral interface) Serial peripheral interface
SR(sample realy,saturable reactor) Sampling relay, saturable reactor
SR(silicon rectifier) Silicon rectifier
SRAM(static random access memory) Static random access memory
SSR(solid-state relay) Solid-state
relaySSR (switching select repeater) interrupter switch selectorSSS
(silicon symmetrical switch) silicon symmetrical switch, bidirectional thyristorSSW
(synchro-switch) synchronous switchST
(start) startST (
starter) starterSTB (
strobe) gate, gate pulseT
(transistor) transistor, thyristorTACH
(tachometer) tachometer, tachometerTP
(temperature probe) temperature sensorTRIAC
(triodes AC switch) triode AC switchTTL
(transistor-transistor logic) transistor-transistor logicTV
(television) televisionUART
(universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) universal asynchronous receiver
transmitterVCO (voltage controlled oscillator) voltage controlled oscillatorVD
(video decoders) video decoderVDR
(voltage dependent resistor) varistorVF
(video frequency) videoV
/F (voltage-to-frequency) voltage/frequency conversionV
/I (voltage to current converter) Voltage-current converter
VM (voltmeter) voltmeter
VS (vacuum switch) electronic switch
VT (visual telephone) video telephone
VT (video terminal) video terminal
This post is from RF/Wirelessly

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I see a lot of ;P, it should be one P, right?  Details Published on 2007-7-25 14:56
Personal signature生活就是一场真人秀!




I see a lot of ;P, it should be one P, right?
This post is from RF/Wirelessly

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