MSP430 MCU Example 4 - Button-controlled colorful lights
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1. Task Requirements
The P4 port of the MSP430F247 microcontroller is used to control eight light-emitting diodes D1~D8. The light-emitting diodes display different patterns according to the switches connected to the P0 port.
When K1 is closed, LED1 and LED2 light up, and after a delay of 0.5 seconds, LED2 and LED3 light up... and finally LED7 and LED8 light up.
When K2 is closed, LED1~LED8 are equivalent to 8-bit binary numbers. After a delay of 0.8 seconds, 1 is added and the corresponding LED is lit.
When K3 is closed, LED1~LED4 light up first, then LED5~LED8 light up after a delay of 0.5 seconds, then LED1, LED2, LED5, LED6 light up, then LED3, LED4, LED7, LED8 light up one by one after a delay of 0.5 seconds, finally LED1, LED3, LED4, LED6 light up, then LED2, LED4, LED6, LED8 light up after a delay of 0.5 seconds.
When K4 is closed, LED1~LED4 are lit first, and then the LED is moved from right to left. When LED8 is lit, LED1 is re-lit in the next step, and the cycle continues.
When K5 is closed, the four LEDs light up simultaneously in a cycle.
2. Circuit Design
Open the Proteus development environment and create a new project based on the MSP430F247 microcontroller.
Add the following components: microcontroller MSP430F247, resistor array, light-emitting diode, switch, resistor.
MSP430 MCU simulation example 4 based on Proteus - colorful lights controlled by buttons
3. Program Code
#include "msp430f247.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
/************************************************Software delay, main frequency 1M*******************/
#define CPU_F1 ((double)1000000)
#define delay_us1M(x) __delay_cycles((long)(CPU_F1*(double)x/1000000.0))
#define delay_ms1M(x) __delay_cycles((long)(CPU_F1*(double)x/1000.0))
/****************************************************** ***************************/
Function name: main function
Function: Color light control
Entry parameters: None
Export parameters: None
unsigned char uiLEDValue=0;
unsigned char ucCounter;
unsigned char ucLEDDispaly1=0x80;
unsigned char ucLEDDispaly2=0x01;
unsigned char ucMode = 4;
static unsigned char LedState=0x0f;
_DINT(); //Disable interrupt
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Turn off the watchdog
P4DIR = 0xff; //Set P4 port as output port
P4SEL = 0x00; //Set P4 port to normal I/O port
P4OUT = 0xff; //Set the P4 port to output high level
if((P2IN&0x1f) == 0x1e)
uiLEDValue = 0x03;
P4OUT = uiLEDValue; //
uiLEDValue <<= 1;
if((P2IN&0x1f) == 0x1d)
P4OUT = ~(uiLEDValue++);//
if((P2IN&0x1f) == 0x1b)
case 4:
P4OUT = 0xf0;
P4OUT = 0x0f;
case 2:
P4OUT = 0xcc;
P4OUT = 0x33;
case 1:
P4OUT = 0x55;
P4OUT = 0xaa;
ucMode /= 2;
if(ucMode == 0) ucMode = 4;
if((P2IN&0x1f) == 0x17)
P4OUT = ~(ucLEDDispaly1|ucLEDDispaly2);
ucLEDDisplay1 >>= 1;
ucLEDDispaly2 <<= 1;
if((ucLEDDispaly1|ucLEDDispaly2) == 0x00)
ucLEDDispaly1 = 0x80;
ucLEDDispaly2 = 0x01;
if((P2IN&0x1f) == 0x0f)
P4OUT = LedState;
if(((LedState&0x01) == 0x01) && (LedState != 0x0f))
LedState = LedState<<1;
LedState += 1;
LedState = LedState<<1;
if(LedState == 0xe0) LedState += 1;
P4OUT = 0xff;
IV. Program Description
The program uses the closing of five switches to control the LED pattern display. A variety of different algorithms are used in the loop to process the pattern display.
Pattern 1 uses left shift to output the transformation of two LEDs.
Pattern 2 uses binary numbers to directly accumulate and output to the port, although it is relatively simple, but the display effect is better.
Pattern 3 uses the method of directly assigning values to ports.
Pattern 4 uses two 8-bit numbers shifted left and right and then ORed together to achieve the effect of two LEDs moving forward relative to each other.
Pattern 5 is a serpentine transformation method, which uses left shift operation and OR operation to achieve the effect of lighting up four LEDs in a cycle at the same time.