IR2110: A gate driver IC for high-power MOSFET and IGBT, which has been widely used in power drive fields such as power conversion and motor speed regulation. The chip is small (DIP-14, SOIC-16), highly integrated (can drive two paths of the same bridge arm), fast response (ton/tof = 120/94 ns), high bias voltage (< 600 V), strong driving capability, built-in undervoltage lockout, low cost, easy to debug, and equipped with an external protection lockout port
download times 12 type Application Documents uploaded 2017-11-07
It is helpful to understand the Hall sensor
download times 12 type Others uploaded 2017-08-31
A relatively detailed explanation of the principle and function of common mode inductance is given, which is helpful for beginners.
download times 1 type Others uploaded 2017-08-28
It is helpful for beginners of STM32
download times 8 type Others uploaded 2017-08-22