
    1. Principle and Application of Embedded Real-time Operating System uCOS-II

      Principle and Application of Embedded Real-time Operating System uCOS-II

      download times 4 type Technical Documentation uploaded 2014-09-23

    2. Android Design Patterns

      What is a design pattern? A design pattern is a typical and common solution to a problem in a certain situation. The key words here are as follows: Situation: It is a situation that occurs repeatedly in a specific situation, which requires the use of the pattern to analyze the facts clearly. Problem: The problem is generally the goal you want to achieve or solve. Solution: A typical and common solution. A solution that can make people think deeply and draw inferences from one example.

      download times 1 type Application Documents uploaded 2014-09-23

    3. Design and implementation of TCP_IP protocol stack_LwIP_

      LwIP is an implementation of the TCP/IP protocol stack. This article describes the design and implementation of LwIP. It describes the algorithms and data structures used in the protocol stack implementation and in subsystems such as memory and buffer management.

      download times 6 type Application Documents uploaded 2014-09-23