Analog circuits are very important , and the application of transistors in analog circuits is of paramount importance. Being able to correctly understand the amplification region, saturation region, a
This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user hpq916 . If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author’s consent and indicate the source
I recently wanted to use LTC2380-24 as my acquisition, but there are two problems
1. There are some resistor and capacitor opts on the official evaluation board, but I don’t really understand how to c
What is the power-off mode? Generally, to save power, you just put it in standby mode. To exit the power-off mode, you can only use hardware reset, not interrupts. Why?
From: ... -released/This is the first beta release of CircuitPython 5.4.0. At the time of release, this version adds basic low-power support in time.sleep().New