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  1. When starting VxWorks on a VMware virtual machine, an error message is displayed: [tBoot] sysNvRamGet: Open failed. What is the reason? A detailed description is available in the
  2. Does 0.65MM BGA spacing require blind and buried vias?
  3. Why is the transfer function always 0 when using multisim to transfer functions?
  4. FPGA Expansion
  5. High salary recruitment of mobile phone RF engineers
  6. I am a beginner in CPLD and encountered problems when I first started using the software. I would appreciate some guidance from an expert.
  7. Urgent!!! Does anyone know how to add lib files to PlatformBuilder!!!
  8. A brief analysis of the working principle of the switch
  9. I have designed three new boards: STM32 to 51, STM8 minimum system and ST LINK. Friends in need can apply for it for free.
  10. Power supply design, cost sensitive.
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  13. Design of CAN bus expansion circuit based on micro2440
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