The key farthest from the CPU has a smaller change than the other keys.I wonder if anyone has encountered this problem?How to solve it? Can I only adjust the resistor?Thank you!
[font=楷体_GB2312][size=4]Before, in [color=blue][url=][color=blue], mastering these 5 RC oscillator circuits will make your analog design much smoother[/
The requirements for automotive-grade devices are very high. The MSP430 product line is very broad, and some of its products have achieved automotive-grade certification.Mainly focused on G series and
Newbie getting started with vc. Reading GPS data to get the latitude and longitude of the current point. The information I read with the serial debugging assistant is 60 86 7E 98 00 E6 60 98 60 E6 E6
I use the CCP capture function to capture pin level changes with a cycle of 20ms. Sometimes the capture is incorrect, especially when the temperature changes. I would like to ask an expert for advice.