Software-defined products are the new direction of current embedded product development. Thanks to the popularity of the Internet of Things, the road to product software upgrades has been smooth. Embedded systems based on MCU can now easily upgrade firmware in various ways. Renesas provides MCU products with different cores and performance, such as RL78, RX, RA, etc., and also provides a variety of firmware upgrade solutions.
[i=s] This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 08:59 [/i] In question D, we need to convert 3V voltage to 5V. Is there any chip or circuit that can be used? Thank you all.
rt, I wrote a program using the libpcap library and need to run it on the ARM7 platform, what should I do when cross-compiling. In other words, if I use a library that I don't usually use, what should
TI’s new SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3000 module features SmartConfig technology, a unique one-step Wi-Fi activation process. Watch the video to see how simple the technology is.[media=x,500,375]http://v.youku
A star network is formed with 1 coordinator and 5 terminal nodes. The coordinator communicates with KingView, and the terminal communicates with PLC. The communication was normal for the first hour, b
I followed the instructions, but it still can't provide a constant current. The current still changes with the resistance. Do I have to use IN457 diodes? This is my circuit. Vin is 5V, R1=133 ohms, R2
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