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Live replay: ADI energy storage system helps build electric vehicle fast charging stations

Total of 1 lesson ,58 minutes and 35 seconds

The rapidly developing electric vehicle market requires the support of more charging stations. DC fast charging piles are common in charging stations. In view of the future working conditions where multiple high-current, high-power-density DC piles will work at the same time, in order to solve the problem of AC Due to the reality of insufficient side energy supply and the plan for the coordinated development of multiple energy sources in the future, the installation of energy storage systems at charging stations has become the main trend in future electric vehicle charging infrastructure. ADI has many years of experience supporting customers in designing excellent ESS systems, and is at the forefront of the industry in BMS battery management. Today we will elaborate on ADI BMS solutions and ADI charging power solutions, as well as how to implement charging station energy storage system design, etc. , so that everyone can solve the needs surrounding the ESS system BMS and charging pile power supply after the meeting and more smoothly choose ADI's solution.

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