Modern power supplies are becoming smaller and smaller, have higher power density, are more flexible and cheaper. In the design of digital switching power supplies, most of them use DSP. For those who are just getting started, it is difficult to use DSP to design digital power supplies. To start, STC manufacturers have launched the enhanced 51 microcontroller STC15W4K32S4 series. This series has 6 channels of 15-bit duty cycle adjustable PWM. The PWM waveform generator can also trigger external events when the 15-bit counter returns to zero. The AD sampling rate can reach 300k times/second, the execution speed of the 51 instruction set is greatly improved, which makes it possible for the 51 microcontroller to realize digital power control.
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The Digital Power Starter Kit is One consists of STCunio R2 motherboard and buck kit or boost.
STCunio R2 is an arduino-style development board designed with IAP15W4K58S4 as the core. Let's learn together!
I have to complain about the interface of open1081. I recently found that any double-row socket will always bring endless low-level errors. For example, this time I inserted the SD card into SPI2. Bec
[i=s]This post was last edited by damiaa on 2019-1-3 16:08[/i] [font=Microsoft Yahei, Hei, Tahoma, SimHei, sans-serif][b]【NXP Rapid IoT Evaluation】Rapid IoT Studio Display and Touch Application[/b][/f
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