Has anyone made a program for 51 MCU to read instrument data? I have been working on it for a week but still can't read the data. Is there anyone who can make one for me?
At the end of the year, the elites in the security industry have not stopped their pace. "Safe City", "2008 Olympics" and "World Expo", these "security cakes" have made them advance triumphantly, and
Testing of heating power of NOx sensorSensors based on the Nerst equation and using zirconium oxide ( YSZ ) as the base need to work at high temperatures. This type of sensor is widely used in the fie
The work collects voltage through ADC and transmits it to the cloud server through the 4G module. The protocol uses TCP transparent transmission, and the data is retained in the cloud pla
CC1120 Sub1G Development Kit Hands-on Practice : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/313Based on the CC1120 development kit from Xinwei Technology, this video series demonstrates how to use SmartRF