RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) is a microprocessor that executes fewer types of computer instructions. It originated from the MIPS host (i.e. RISC machine) in the 1980s. The microprocessors u...
Mount the root file system
$ sudo sh ms.sh -m /home/myzr/image/ubrfs16.04.4/
Install the software
First update the source
/# apt updateAfter the update is complete, install the necessary software. You...
[i=s]This post was last edited by hau30729 on 2019-11-21 13:56[/i]Ground interference problem?I am currently doing an experiment to test water quality (pH, dissolved oxygen, etc.). The water quality t...
PCB board surface blistering is one of the more common quality defects in the circuit board production process. Due to the complexity of the circuit board production process and the complexity of proc...
One day, I was watching the EEWorld forum activity when a colleague suddenly popped up from behind and said, "Haha, the boss asked you to help take a look at my LED power supply. The efficiency is too...
I've been busy these days. I just got the package back from the cabinet. I opened the box and took a look at the beautiful photos.The board is well made. It's the first time I powered it on. It functi...