As mentioned above, the three basic configuration amplifier circuits have their own advantages and disadvantages. If two of the configuration circuits are properly combined to form a combined amplifie...
This is a switch input circuit composed of four diodes that I saw on the Internet. The analysis is as follows: 1. When SW1 is open, R7-D5-R5 forms a path, the voltage at point A is about 10V, point B ...
Philips Semiconductors has introduced a new family of cost-effective, low-voltage silicon bipolar RF transistors for the latest 1.8gGHz cordless and cellular phones. .........
[list=1] [*][size=4][color=#000000]Single-step operation is possible, but continuous operation always returns to address 0: Watchdog is not turned off, and continuous operation resets DSP back to addr...
Introduction With the rapid development and widespread popularization of information technology and computer network technology, more and more families obtain information and news through the Internet...