The C2000 microprocessor with C28x+FPU architecture adds some registers and instructions to the original C28x fixed-point CPU to support IEEE single-precision floating-point operations. The floating-p...
The circuit schematic is shown below:代码:
#include "DSP2833x_Device.h"// DSP2833x Headerfile Include File
#include "DSP2833x_Examples.h"// DSP2833x Examples Include File#defineLED1 GpioDataRegs.GPBDAT....
Semiconductor technology drives the boom in power management A recent short article interestingly described power management semiconductors as the Cinderella of the semiconductor industry, which sho...
I want to use the XT1 high-speed frequency mode of this microcontroller, but after configuration, the XT1HFOFFG flag is always high.
I am now connected to a 12M passive crystal oscilla...
2020 has passed, with both joy and reluctance. I am happy that the projects that have troubled me for a long time have finally made significant progress, the causes of the problems have been found, an...