Impedance matching is a part of microwave electronics. It is mainly used on transmission lines to ensure that all high-frequency microwave signals can be transmitted to the load point.
Purpose, almost...
The circuit solutions in this post are all original works of mine, from pure simulation to MCU hardware design and software strategy (I don’t know how to program, so this part only provides feasible i...
Transistor amplifier circuit: The input voltage range is wide, and the parameters of each component are based on actual experimental tests and have been adjusted to a suitable static operating point. ...
The field intensity pattern and 3D diagram of HFSS simulation software are as follows:From the 3D directional diagram, we can see that when simulating this type of coil, the field strength on both sid...
This is the circuit schematic I made by adding synchronous rectification to a ZVS soft switching half-bridge circuit. 500) {this.resized=true; this.width=500; this.alt='This is a thumbnail, click to e...