In order to thank the majority of netizens for their continued support of our ZOL Keyboard, Mouse and Camera Channel , this time we are holding a price reduction auction for gaming mice. The prize for...
Connected devices are typically networked using one of several mesh topologies that emphasize network robustness, range, and low power consumption. Designers often have to choose between these competi...
This program is in the ADC.h function
Do data processing in the interrupt void adc_isr(void) function:
* ADC.c
* Created on: 2017年8月5日
*Author: chris
*/#include "DSP2833x_Device.h"// DSP2833x Hea...
System-level power conservation and power budget optimization are key to many applications. For example, data center operators strive to control energy consumption, portable device designers seek to r...
[size=4] The suitable use condition of tantalum capacitors is -55-+125 degrees, and the rated voltage can be applied for testing within 85 degrees. In theory, such conditions have shown that the tempe...
Is low voice rate really the core competitiveness of VoIP? It seems so. If the skin is gone, where will the hair be attached? A very interesting scene happened at the 2006 China VoIP Development Forum...