LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF amplifier basic information:
LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF is a precision amplifier (Precision Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LTC6244 series of products.
LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF amplifier core information:
The corresponding working power supply current is 6.25 mA. The output current of each channel is: 35 mA.
The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of the LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF is 50 MHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not only choosing your amplifier, you can use this as a relatively simple measurement indicator. The corresponding input voltage noise density is 8 nV/rtHz and the corresponding input noise current density is 0.00056 pA/rtHz.
Related dimensions of LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF:
Number of channels in total: 2 Channels.
LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF Amplifier Additional Information:
And its more detailed single package form is: DFN-8. When suppliers on the market sell LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF, they use the form: Reel.
LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF amplifier basic information:
LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF is a precision amplifier (Precision Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LTC6244 series of products.
LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF amplifier core information:
The corresponding working power supply current is 6.25 mA. The output current of each channel is: 35 mA.
The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of the LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF is 50 MHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not only choosing your amplifier, you can use this as a relatively simple measurement indicator. The corresponding input voltage noise density is 8 nV/rtHz and the corresponding input noise current density is 0.00056 pA/rtHz.
Related dimensions of LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF:
Number of channels in total: 2 Channels.
LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF Amplifier Additional Information:
And its more detailed single package form is: DFN-8. When suppliers on the market sell LTC6244HVCDD#TRPBF, they use the form: Reel.
Parameter Name | Attribute value |
Is it lead-free? | Lead free |
Is it Rohs certified? | conform to |
package instruction | CHIP, ROHS COMPLIANT |
Reach Compliance Code | compliant |
ECCN code | EAR99 |
structure | Chip |
JESD-609 code | e4 |
Manufacturer's serial number | 1010 |
Installation features | SURFACE MOUNT |
Number of terminals | 2 |
Maximum operating temperature | 150 °C |
Package height | 0.46 mm |
Package length | 2.57 mm |
Package form | SMT |
Package width | 2.41 mm |
method of packing | TR |
Rated power dissipation(P) | 0.5 W |
Rated temperature | 70 °C |
resistance | 24.3 Ω |
Resistor type | FIXED RESISTOR |
series | 1010(STD)-THICKFILM |
size code | 1010 |
surface mount | YES |
Temperature Coefficient | 100 ppm/°C |
Terminal surface | Gold (Au) - with Nickel (Ni) barrier |
Terminal shape | WRAPAROUND |
Tolerance | 1% |
Operating Voltage | 75 V |