Basic information of LT1351CN8#PBF amplifier:
LT1351CN8#PBF is an operational amplifier - Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps - Operational Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LT1351 series of products.
LT1351CN8#PBF amplifier core information:
The minimum operating temperature of LT1351CN8#PBF is - 40 C and the maximum operating temperature is + 85 C. The corresponding working power supply current is 0.25 mA. The output current of each channel is: 45 mA.
The power supply rejection ratio of LT1351CN8#PBF is 106 dB. (Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR): An indicator used to determine the impact of the amplifier output on the power supply. PSRR = 20log[(Ripple(in) / Ripple(out))], that is, the larger the value, the less the amplifier output is affected by the power input. The smaller.) The amplifier gain of LT1351CN8#PBF can reach: 80 V/mV (The amplifier gain is the logarithm of the ratio of the amplifier output power to the input power, which is used to indicate the degree of power amplification. It also refers to the amplification factor of voltage or current. Similarly , decibel is the unit of amplifier gain.) The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of LT1351CN8#PBF is 3 MHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not sure how to choose your amplifier, you can This is a relatively simple measurement indicator. The corresponding input voltage noise density is 14 nV/rtHz and the corresponding input noise current density is 0.5 pA/rtHz
When a voltage difference of 0.2 mV is input between the LT1351CN8#PBF input pins, the output voltage of this amplifier is 0V. (That is, its input bias voltage is 0.2 mV)
Related dimensions of LT1351CN8#PBF:
Number of channels in total: 1 Channel.
LT1351CN8#PBF amplifier other information:
And its more detailed single package form is: PDIP-8. When suppliers on the market sell LT1351CN8#PBF, they use the form: Tube.
Basic information of LT1351CN8#PBF amplifier:
LT1351CN8#PBF is an operational amplifier - Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps - Operational Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LT1351 series of products.
LT1351CN8#PBF amplifier core information:
The minimum operating temperature of LT1351CN8#PBF is - 40 C and the maximum operating temperature is + 85 C. The corresponding working power supply current is 0.25 mA. The output current of each channel is: 45 mA.
The power supply rejection ratio of LT1351CN8#PBF is 106 dB. (Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR): An indicator used to determine the impact of the amplifier output on the power supply. PSRR = 20log[(Ripple(in) / Ripple(out))], that is, the larger the value, the less the amplifier output is affected by the power input. The smaller.) The amplifier gain of LT1351CN8#PBF can reach: 80 V/mV (The amplifier gain is the logarithm of the ratio of the amplifier output power to the input power, which is used to indicate the degree of power amplification. It also refers to the amplification factor of voltage or current. Similarly , decibel is the unit of amplifier gain.) The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of LT1351CN8#PBF is 3 MHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not sure how to choose your amplifier, you can This is a relatively simple measurement indicator. The corresponding input voltage noise density is 14 nV/rtHz and the corresponding input noise current density is 0.5 pA/rtHz
When a voltage difference of 0.2 mV is input between the LT1351CN8#PBF input pins, the output voltage of this amplifier is 0V. (That is, its input bias voltage is 0.2 mV)
Related dimensions of LT1351CN8#PBF:
Number of channels in total: 1 Channel.
LT1351CN8#PBF amplifier other information:
And its more detailed single package form is: PDIP-8. When suppliers on the market sell LT1351CN8#PBF, they use the form: Tube.
Parameter Name | Attribute value |
Is it Rohs certified? | conform to |
Reach Compliance Code | compliant |
ECCN code | EAR99 |
Other features | STACKABLE, BY ENDS OR SIDES |
body width | 0.079 inch |
subject depth | 0.079 inch |
body length | 0.787 inch |
Body/casing type | RECEPTACLE |
Connector type | BOARD CONNECTOR |
Contact to complete cooperation | AU ON NI |
Contact completed and terminated | Gold (Au) - with Nickel (Ni) barrier |
Contact point gender | MALE |
Contact material | BRASS |
contact mode | RECTANGULAR |
Contact resistance | 20 mΩ |
Contact style | SQ PIN-SKT |
Insulation resistance | 5000000000 Ω |
JESD-609 code | e4 |
Manufacturer's serial number | 2112 |
Plug contact pitch | 0.079 inch |
Installation method | STRAIGHT |
Installation type | BOARD |
Number of connectors | ONE |
PCB row number | 1 |
Number of rows loaded | 1 |
Maximum operating temperature | 105 °C |
Minimum operating temperature | -55 °C |
PCB contact pattern | RECTANGULAR |
Plating thickness | 5u inch |
Rated current (signal) | 1 A |
Guideline | UL |
reliability | COMMERCIAL |
Terminal length | 0.11 inch |
Terminal pitch | 2.0066 mm |
Termination type | SOLDER |
Total number of contacts | 10 |
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