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One of the multiple sets of colorful light chain circuits that flashes in cycles

Source: InternetPublisher:睡不醒的小壮 Keywords: lanterns thyristors Updated: 2020/01/24

133. One of the multiple groups of<strong>color lights</strong> chain<strong>circuit</strong>s that flash in cycles.gif

It consists of thyristor and reed switch. The rotation of the disk with two permanent magnets controls the closing of the reed switch
, thereby controlling the conduction and closing of the thyristors Vl-V4. Changing the number and position of the magnets on the disk can cause
the lighting conditions of the lantern chain to change accordingly. The reed switches KRi-KR4 use JAG5-22; the lanterns H1~H4 can use 220V, and
the total power of each group is 40W bulbs (parallel connection).




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