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Universal high-fidelity (HiFi) audio processing circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:aerobotics Keywords: HIFI high fidelity audio processing processing circuit Updated: 2020/06/30

19. Universal <strong>High Fidelity</strong> (HiFi) <strong>Audio Processing</strong> circuit.gif

Shown is the general high-fidelity (HiFi) audio processing circuit TDA9860 in digital products. This circuit has multiple audio input interfaces
and can receive audio signals from different interfaces. After the audio signal is sent to the TDA9860, it first passes through the multi-channel audio input interface mode selection and is then divided into four channels for processing: one channel is directly output through the @ pin and the ⑦ pin; the second channel is output by the @ pin and the @ pin after
passing through the headphone volume control circuit.
Go to the headphone amplifier: The third channel is directly output by the @ pin and ◎ pin line output or goes to the surround sound decoder; the other channel is to
send the signal output by the @ pin and ⑨ pin back to the chip through the @ pin and ⑩ pin. After volume control, stereo, mono selection, bass control, treble control, volume
balance and other processing, it is output by @ pin and @ pin, removes power amplification and then drives the speaker to produce sound.




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