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Three-phase motor powered by single-phase power supply

Source: InternetPublisher:toothache Updated: 2016/01/28

To run a three-phase motor with a single-phase power supply, you only need to add a suitable phase-shifting capacitor. The method is as follows: For a star-connected motor, the wiring method is as shown in Figure 1; for a delta-connected motor, the wiring method is as shown in Figure 2. . According to practice, the capacity of the phase-shifting capacitor should be approximately equal to the product of 0.07 and the motor power. For example, the motor power is 150 watts, and the capacity of the selected capacitor should be approximately equal to 0.07 x 150 = 10.5 microfarads. Use two fluorescent lamp capacitors (4.75μF ) can be connected in parallel to meet the requirements. If the motor starts quickly and a loud buzzing sound is heard, the capacitor capacity should be reduced; if the motor starts slowly, the capacitor capacity can be increased appropriately. If the power cord is changed from point a to point b, the motor direction can be changed. 三相电动机用单相电源供电的方法




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