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Circuit diagram for turning off the TV using a reed switch to eliminate the bright spot

Source: InternetPublisher:清宁时光 Keywords: reed switch buffer point Updated: 2021/05/07

The picture shows a reed switch dimming circuit for turning off a television. A reed switch is connected in series to the ground end of the brightness potentiometer W. When the TV is watched normally, the contacts of the reed switch are closed and the charging voltage of the capacitor C is about 160V. When shutting down, the reed switch contact is disconnected. Since the capacity of C is large and its main discharge branch has been cut off, the cathode voltage of the picture tube will be retained for a period of time to cut off the electron beam and achieve the purpose of extinction point. A coil should be wound around the outside of the reed switch. The coil should be tightly wound with 5200 turns on the inner frame with 0.1MM enameled. One end of the coil should be grounded and the other end should be connected to the power supply +12V.

Circuit diagram for turning off the TV using a reed switch to eliminate the bright spot




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