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Wire-controlled music lantern circuit (2)

Source: InternetPublisher:拿铁三分糖 Keywords: Line control music lanterns lantern circuits BSP Updated: 2020/03/21

275.<strong>Wire control</strong><strong>Music lantern</strong> circuit (2).gif

The wire -controlled music lantern circuit introduced can divide the music signal into three frequency bands: high, medium and low, and
drive the "three primary colors" of red, green and blue respectively to flash according to the music melody^^J, producing a hundred colors. Colorful and colorful
colored light, its circuit is shown in Figure 275.
    In the figure, (1,, G and (;,,. and (.) form a frequency divider. The audio signal di
RP from the speaker speaker uA Wj end is divided by the transformer T and divided by the divider
to obtain high frequency. The audio signals with three frequency components, medium and low
, are then used to trigger the corresponding bidirectional
thyristors VTHl-VdingJI3 respectively. Therefore, red, green and
blue = group lights (F1~E.;) according to their respective The frequency and intensity of the music signal
  With the ups and downs of the music melody, the "
three primary colors" lights of ", green, and blue" will complement each other,
producing . , cyan, white
and other composite colors of light, allowing people to enjoy endless fun.
    The requirements for transformer T and transistor VTH are
the same as above, and the inductor r needs to be homemade: use ≠imrr, enameled wire A≠2rnltn×28mm insulated bone pear and wound up to 200 Coins are
enough. c, use the fujie capacitor for lyF audio, and there are no special requirements for other components.




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