[TI star product limited time purchase] + powerful TMDSCNCD280025C
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The TMDSCNCD280025C is an HSEC180 controlCARD based evaluation and development tool for the C2000 F28002x family of microcontrollers. The controlCARD is ideal for initial evaluation and system prototyping. The controlCARD is a complete board-level module that is packaged in one of two standard packages (100-pin DIMM or 180-pin HSEC) to provide a low-profile single-board controller solution. For initial evaluation, the controlCARD is typically purchased bundled with the TMDSHSECDOCK baseboard or in an application kit.
Hardware Features
1. Isolated onboard XDS100v2 USB to JTAG debug probe, supports real-time in-system programming and debugging
2. Standard 180-pin controlCARD HSEC interface
3. Card interface provides analog I/O, digital I/O and JTAG signals
4. Hardware files are located in boards\controlCARDs\TMDSCNCD280025C in C2000Ware
Software Features
1. Free download of Code Composer Studio IDE
2. Free download of C2000Ware to obtain device drivers and example projects
3. DigitalPower SDK and powerSUITE
4. MotorControl SDK
5. MathWorks embedded target support
6. solidThinking Embed support