The C2000 microprocessor with C28x+FPU architecture adds some registers and instructions to the original C28x fixed-point CPU to support IEEE single-precision floating-point operations. For programs w
WeChat Mini Programs currently only support Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and not classic Bluetooth.
According to actual tests, the latest version of WeChat Mini Program has good support for IOS, but ver
Regarding the problem that the pspice simulation comparator cannot work properly: I recently found that when using pspice simulation, such as LM339 comparator, the simulation results are different fro
The second generation SuperEye builds on the advantages of the first generation by adopting liquid lenses, adding ranging sensors, laser positioning and controllable external light sources. [/size][/f
Chip Testing Principles discusses the basic principles of chip testing during chip development and production. It is divided into four chapters, and the third chapter will be introduced below. In the