Basic information of LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF amplifier:
LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF is an operational amplifier - Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps - Operational Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LTC2067 series of products.
LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF amplifier core information:
The minimum operating temperature of the LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF is - 40 C and the maximum operating temperature is + 125 C. The corresponding working power supply current is 10 uA. The output current of each channel is: 13 mA.
The LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF has a power supply rejection ratio of 126 dB. (Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR): An indicator used to determine the impact of the amplifier output on the power supply. PSRR = 20log[(Ripple(in) / Ripple(out))], that is, the larger the value, the less the amplifier output is affected by the power input. The smaller.) The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF is 100 kHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not sure how to choose your amplifier, you can make this a simpler measurement indicators. The corresponding input voltage noise density is 90 nV/sqrt Hz and the corresponding input noise current density is 35 fA/sqrt Hz.
When a voltage difference of 1 uV is input between the LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF input pins, the output voltage of this amplifier is 0V. (That is, its input bias voltage is 1 uV)
Related dimensions of LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF:
Number of channels in total: 2 Channels.
LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF amplifier additional information:
When suppliers on the market sell LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF, they use the form: Reel.
Basic information of LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF amplifier:
LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF is an operational amplifier - Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps - Operational Amplifiers) from Analog Devices Inc. It belongs to the LTC2067 series of products.
LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF amplifier core information:
The minimum operating temperature of the LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF is - 40 C and the maximum operating temperature is + 125 C. The corresponding working power supply current is 10 uA. The output current of each channel is: 13 mA.
The LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF has a power supply rejection ratio of 126 dB. (Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR): An indicator used to determine the impact of the amplifier output on the power supply. PSRR = 20log[(Ripple(in) / Ripple(out))], that is, the larger the value, the less the amplifier output is affected by the power input. The smaller.) The gain bandwidth product (GBP, gain bandwidth product) of LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF is 100 kHz. As a parameter to simply measure the performance of the amplifier, if you are not sure how to choose your amplifier, you can make this a simpler measurement indicators. The corresponding input voltage noise density is 90 nV/sqrt Hz and the corresponding input noise current density is 35 fA/sqrt Hz.
When a voltage difference of 1 uV is input between the LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF input pins, the output voltage of this amplifier is 0V. (That is, its input bias voltage is 1 uV)
Related dimensions of LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF:
Number of channels in total: 2 Channels.
LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF amplifier additional information:
When suppliers on the market sell LTC2067HMS8#TRPBF, they use the form: Reel.
Parameter Name | Attribute value |
Maker | ADI |
Product Category | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier |
Supply voltage - max. | 5.25 V |
Output current of each channel | 13 mA |
Number of channels | 2 Channel |
GBP-Gain Bandwidth Product | 100 kHz |
SR - 转换速率 | 17.5 V/ms |
CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio | 123 dB |
Ib - input bias current | 2 pA |
Vos - 输入偏置电压 | 1 uV |
Supply voltage - min. | 1.7 V |
Working power current | 10 uA |
Minimum operating temperature | - 40 C |
Maximum operating temperature | + 125 C |
closure | Shutdown |
series | LTC2067 |
Encapsulation | Reel |
input type | Rail to Rail |
Output type | Rail to Rail |
product | Operational Amplifiers |
en - Input voltage noise density | 90 nV/sqrt Hz |
In—input noise current density | 35 fA/sqrt Hz |
Ios - 输入偏置电流 | 4 pA |
PSRR - Power Supply Rejection Ratio | 126 dB |
Factory packaging quantity | 2500 |
Description | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier Single 2µA Zero-Drift Operational Amplifier | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | Op Amp - Op Amp 10uA Supply, LowIBIAS ZeroDrift Dual OpAmp | |
Encapsulation | Reel | Tube | Tube | Reel | Reel | Reel | Reel | Tube | Tube | |
Maker | ADI | ADI | ADI | ADI | ADI | ADI | ADI | ADI | ADI | |
Product Category | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | Operational Amplifier - Operational Amplifier | |
Supply voltage - max. | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | 5.25 V | |
Output current of each channel | 13 mA | 13 mA | 13 mA | 13 mA | 13 mA | 13 mA | 13 mA | 13 mA | 13 mA | |
Number of channels | 2 Channel | 2 Channel | 2 Channel | 2 Channel | 1 Channel | 2 Channel | 2 Channel | 2 Channel | 2 Channel | |
GBP-Gain Bandwidth Product | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | |
SR - 转换速率 | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | 17.5 V/ms | |
CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio | 123 dB | 123 dB | 123 dB | 123 dB | 123 dB | 123 dB | 123 dB | 123 dB | 123 dB | |
Ib - input bias current | 2 pA | 2 pA | 2 pA | 2 pA | 150 pA | 2 pA | 2 pA | 2 pA | 2 pA | |
Vos - 输入偏置电压 | 1 uV | 1 uV | 1 uV | 1 uV | 1 uV | 1 uV | 1 uV | 1 uV | 1 uV | |
Supply voltage - min. | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | 1.7 V | |
Working power current | 10 uA | 10 uA | 10 uA | 10 uA | 7.4 uA | 10 uA | 10 uA | 10 uA | 10 uA | |
Minimum operating temperature | - 40 C | - 40 C | - 40 C | - 40 C | - 40 C | - 40 C | - 40 C | - 40 C | - 40 C | |
Maximum operating temperature | + 125 C | + 125 C | + 85 C | + 125 C | + 125 C | + 85 C | + 85 C | + 125 C | + 85 C | |
closure | Shutdown | Shutdown | Shutdown | Shutdown | No Shutdown | Shutdown | Shutdown | Shutdown | Shutdown | |
series | LTC2067 | LTC2067 | LTC2067 | LTC2067 | LTC2066 | LTC2067 | LTC2067 | LTC2067 | LTC2067 | |
input type | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | - | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | |
Output type | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | - | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | Rail to Rail | |
product | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | Operational Amplifiers | |
en - Input voltage noise density | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | 90 nV/sqrt Hz | |
In—input noise current density | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | 35 fA/sqrt Hz | |
Ios - 输入偏置电流 | 4 pA | 4 pA | 4 pA | 4 pA | 150 pA | 4 pA | 4 pA | 4 pA | 4 pA | |
PSRR - Power Supply Rejection Ratio | 126 dB | 126 dB | 126 dB | 126 dB | 126 dB | 126 dB | 126 dB | 126 dB | 126 dB | |
Factory packaging quantity | 2500 | 121 | 50 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 50 | 121 | |
Installation style | - | SMD/SMT | SMD/SMT | - | SMD/SMT | - | - | SMD/SMT | SMD/SMT | |
Package/box | - | DFN-10 | MSOP-8 | - | TSOT-23-5 | - | - | MSOP-8 | DFN-10 |